Annar Bormi

Is Your KitchenAid Refrigerator Turning Your Food into Ice? Here are 5 Reasons Why.

Is Your KitchenAid Refrigerator Making Your Food Icy? Here are Five Possible Causes.

If you have noticed that your KitchenAid refrigerator is turning your food into ice, you may be wondering what is causing the problem. In this article, we will discuss five common reasons why refrigerators can freeze food and how to address them.

1. The Temperature Is Too Low

The most obvious reason why your food is freezing in the refrigerator is that the temperature is set too low. KitchenAid refrigerators typically have a temperature range of 33°F to 40°F, with the ideal setting being 37°F. If your refrigerator is set to a lower temperature, it may cause your food to freeze.

To fix this issue, check the temperature setting on your refrigerator and adjust it to the recommended range. You may also want to use a refrigerator thermometer to ensure that the temperature is accurate.

2. The Door Seal Is Damaged

If the door seal of your KitchenAid refrigerator is damaged or worn out, it can cause cold air to leak out and hot air to seep in. This can lead to fluctuations in temperature inside the refrigerator and cause your food to freeze.

To check if the door seal is the culprit, inspect it for any cracks, tears, or deformations. If you find any, you may need to replace the seal to prevent air leaks. You can order a replacement seal from the manufacturer or a certified repair service.

3. The Air Damper Is Stuck Open

The air damper is a component in the refrigerator that controls the amount of cold air that flows into the fresh food compartment. If the air damper is stuck open, it can cause too much cold air to enter the compartment and freeze your food.

To fix this issue, you will need to inspect the air damper and check if it is obstructed or damaged. If it is, you may need to replace it. In some cases, simply adjusting the damper control can solve the problem.

4. The Thermistor Is Faulty

The thermistor is a sensor that monitors the temperature inside the refrigerator and sends signals to the control board to adjust the cooling system. If the thermistor is faulty or misaligned, it can cause the refrigerator to run too cold and freeze your food.

To diagnose this problem, you will need to test the thermistor with a multimeter and compare the readings with the manufacturer’s specifications. If the readings are off, you may need to replace the thermistor.

5. The Control Board Is Malfunctioning

Finally, if none of the above causes apply to your situation, the control board of your KitchenAid refrigerator may be malfunctioning. The control board is the brain of the refrigerator and controls all the functions, including temperature regulation. If it is not working correctly, it can cause erratic cooling and freezing.

To determine if the control board is the issue, you will need to perform diagnostic tests with a specialized tool or consult a professional appliance repair service. If the control board is indeed faulty, it will need to be replaced to restore proper function.


In summary, a KitchenAid refrigerator can turn your food into ice for various reasons, including a low temperature setting, a damaged door seal, a stuck air damper, a faulty thermistor, or a malfunctioning control board. By checking and addressing these possible causes, you can prevent food waste and ensure that your refrigerator works as intended. If you need help with diagnosing or repairing your refrigerator, don’t hesitate to contact a reputable appliance repair service in your area.

If pipes connected to the fridge are leaking please contact a local plumber.

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