Annar Bormi

Keep Your Kitchen Organized: 5 Foods That Don't Belong in the Fridge.

Do you struggle with cluttered fridge space and wonder if everything in there truly needs to be refrigerated? With so many differing opinions on the matter, it can be challenging to determine what foods actually benefit from being stored in the fridge. Fortunately, there are some common items that are better kept at room temperature. Not only can this free up valuable space in your fridge, but it can also prolong the shelf life of these foods. Here are five types of foods that don’t belong in your refrigerator:

1. Tomatoes

Although many people associate tomatoes with refrigeration, they are best kept at room temperature until ripe. Cold temperatures can damage their texture and flavor, so only put them in the fridge once they are fully ripe.

2. Onions

Onions are naturally designed to last for several weeks without refrigeration, as long as they are kept in a cool, dry place. Storing them in the fridge can actually cause them to become soft and moldy.

3. Bread

Unless you want your bread to become dry and stale, avoid refrigerating it. Instead, keep it in a breadbox or at room temperature in a sealed container or plastic bag.

4. Potatoes

Refrigerating potatoes can turn their starch into sugar and cause them to have a gritty texture when cooked. Instead, keep them in a cool, dark place with good ventilation, such as a pantry.

5. Honey

Honey is a natural preservative that does not need refrigeration. In fact, refrigeration can cause it to crystallize and thicken, making it difficult to use. Store honey at room temperature in a dry place, such as a cupboard.

By keeping these food items outside of your fridge, you can create more space for the items that truly need to be refrigerated. Additionally, you can ensure that your food stays fresh and tasty for longer. Try these tips for a tidier, more organized kitchen.

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